Let someone upload videos or live streams to your own YouTube channel
Elevate someone as a Manager of your YouTube channel in order to let him post videos
It can be also a solution to record a video remotely
Using YouTube can be useful to record remotely a video of somebody by using his computer webcam. When the user is set as a manager of a YouTube channel, he can either live stream or upload video (depending on if he would like to be real time or delay it for checking before posting).
When done, the video can be downloaded through dashboard in order to be more edited by the owner of the channel.
Step 1- How to make someone else a manager of your existing YouTube channel?
To declare someone your manager of your youtube channel, you have to provide his google account : Ask the person what is his google account email (his « @gmail.com » address). Then :
1.1 – Go to your YouTube channel settings to manage permissions
Go to your YouTube channel and in the dropdown list menu on your profile, select settings
1.2 – In the account panel, select « add managers »
Go to the account panel, you will see in the channel managers area the option « add or remove one or more managers » – just click on it
1.3 – Choose « Manager » as role
Add the user’s gmail address and select « manager » as the selected role for the user (so he can create videos or go live on youtube)
1.4 – The user must accept the invitation to become manager
As the user is invited to become a manager of the YouTube channel, an email is sent to his Google account email box (ex. @gmail.com). The user must accept this invitation by clicking on the button in the email, which opens a web page which contains a validation button which have to be clicked too.
Step 2- Access YouTube channel as a new manager
2.1 – The new manager can access the YouTube channel
When the invitation to become a manager is accepted by the user, he can go to youtube.com
Then, he clicks on his profile (top left corner) to access a drop-down menu where he can select « switch account » and choose the YouTube channel of which he has become the new manager.
2.2 – Going live or posting video
The new manager can live stream or post a video by clicking the « Create » button, and choose between « go live » or « upload video« .
When it’s the first time that the »go live » option is requested, a security period of 24 hours is required before the streaming access is authorized
More about youtube videos
Can I download a video from my YouTube channel ?
download videos from youtube
You can download all the videos you’ve uploaded or having uploaded in your youtube channel (as well as live streams)
1 YouTube live: YouTube live (« Go Live ») is a feature that lets you live stream, or broadcast video to your YouTube channel in real-time.
2 Video streaming: Video streaming is a continuous transmission of video files from a server to a client. Video streaming enables users to view videos online without having to download them. Streamed video content can include movies, TV shows, YouTube videos and livestreamed content.
3 Live streaming: Live streaming is when the streamed video is sent over the Internet in real time, without first being recorded and stored. Today, TV broadcasts, video game streams, and social media video can all be live-streamed.
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